Retrieve your voucher

Search for your compensation voucher and receive it securely via e-mail. Enter the First Name and Last Name of the booking contact and the Ticket Code.
If you have a voucher and you wish to convert it into money, fill in the fields of the CONVERT VOUCHER INTO MONEY form.

First name

Last name

Ticket code

Voucher CodeA 17-digit code supplied in the case of delays over 60 mins, sent via email/sms if provided during purchase. Call 892020 (chargeable number) top-center

A 17-digit code supplied in the case of delays over 60 mins, sent via email/sms if provided during purchase. Call 892020 (chargeable number)

Ticket codeTicket code is a 6 numers code which indicates your ticket top-center

Ticket code is a 6 numers code which indicates your ticket